Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thank God for His wonderful kindness

Just when I was feeling pretty disillusioned with things, itchy fingers me went over to today to do my QT and may I say, God works in mysterious ways. I'm encouraged now! haz.

Today's Scripture
2 Cor 13:5 - Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? (KJV)

Thoughts for Today
Yesterday we considered the importance of taking a regular inventory of our lives. A good place to start is by examining our relationship with God. As you begin to do this, ask yourself some hard questions like these:

Do I know God better today than I did last month or last year?
Am I asking God about his plan for my life - or just forging on ahead, doing my own thing?
Am I too busy for God?
Am I persisting in some behavior that I know is displeasing to him?
Prayerfully add some of your own questions. Write down your answers. Resist the natural tendency to make excuses or avoid a problem area. Be completely honest with yourself and with God. Remember, he knows your every thought - there's no way to hide anything from him. The good part about that is ... he loves you anyway!

Consider this ...
You can trust Jesus to forgive your failures and give you the strength to get your life back on track. The changes might be small or large. The important thing is to always be moving in the right direction - toward God and his plan for your life.

Father, I desire to grow in my walk with you, to know you better, to accomplish your plan for my life. Help me see the areas in my life that need change - and then to do something about it. In Jesus' name ...