Monday, December 31, 2007

With Eternity Values in View

Lately, I've been thinking about my future. I should not be looking at a world that is presented before my eyes as they don't belong to Him. I should keep in mind that my world view has to be something that doesn't belong to this world. I need to get myself ready for that world which cannot be seen but I know is there. That should be my ultimate goal. Hence, I'm going to do something which people see as extraordinary/weird but it doesn't seem so to me now. I've half a mind of pursuing a ThM after I graduate but the question now is if I should do my further studies overseas or here?

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Don't really know how to gauge things. But I'm not really that comfortable the way things are. I mean I know it's pretty good but should I just rest on good or should I do something to make it better? I just pray to God and ask for his guidance. But overall I think I need to get my act together so as to produce results that are pleasing in His sight.

eh? did i just lose 6k worth of $$$?

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

=/ i really don't know what I'm doing. Is it going to be like this for the next few years? Maybe it's just stupid me after all..

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Monday, December 24, 2007

oh.. so smarty ass of me.. =/

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Try as I might, Try as I will
But things just eludes me still

Catching a breath, Getting some air
Hope to see the end of the whole affair

Growing an inch, Gaining an age
Might just give me a winning edge

Looking ahead, Glancing back at the track
Makes me wonder if I ever will go back

Holding my head, Patting my back
I'm glad the future doesn't seem so black

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

one year countdown

Seems a bit far but I know it's going to pass like a breeze. Next year this time, lucky me will be serving the country for 2 weeks.. Hope it goes like a breeze like the next 12 months..

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Waiting game

It's kinda irritating that my SEP application result is not out yet.. If it's not out by module bidding.. I'm not going to be able to plan my modules properly. This is so dumb.. Maybe I shouldn't go after all.

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Friday, December 14, 2007


Results for Air Weapons Club Bi-monthly shoot is out!!

And ....drum roll... I've got 3rd place!!!

Sounds pretty nice ya? But... I don't deserve it anyway.

1) The school team shooters didn't take part. Only 2 of them took part.

2) So, of course they got the 1st and 2nd place

3) Which makes me, the top dog in the recreation team.

4) But.. Looking at their score, I am so far away from their standard.
Average score (100)
1st - 92.17
2nd - 90.17
3rd - 69.33 -- that's me!

5) Hence, I'm a long long way from competition standard.

Is it a reason to Hurray? I dunno..

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


This 2 are photos of my debate grp.. I decided to stay in the background as I didn't do a lot of things for the debate as I was called to serve the nation. That super tall ang moh in the 2nd photo is Prof Farrell.. He's kinda scary with his tall and bulky physique but he's quite a nice guy.

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Friday, December 07, 2007


yea! yea! New phone! haz

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007


What's the difference between conscience and Godly conscience?

What's the danger of a Christian applying more conscience than Godly conscience in life?

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

mixed emotions

Hmm.. I know I'm not a girl but somehow there's just this PMS-y feeling that's building up. Dunno what caused it but it's just this pent-up feeling that I need to release it. Might be the exam stress or just some long overdue depressed that didn't get expended the last time round. =P

But anyway, come 5th of Dec, I might just go and get some retail therapy or some other stuff to up my mood.

Bah.. hate this feeling..

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Monday, November 26, 2007

CA report

So cool!! For the Total War module, I've got an A- for my forum discussion/participation, A- for the debate which I didn't go =P and a C+ for an essay. For I suppose that I'll be getting roughly a B+ or B for the overall grade, which I think is kind of ok for a Farrell module..

As for the rest of my history modules.. I can't say I'm too hopeful except for Introduction to World History, I've received an A- for the mid-term exam, essay grade is still unknown but the essay was hard to write. So I think I would be able to get somewhere around a B. The level 3 module - Europe of the dictators is kind of miragy. I don't know what I should expect. Maybe a C. I don't really expect much from this module.

As for Intro to Chinese Language and Intro to Philo.. The CAs weren't too bad pretty high so for the final grade, B+ would suffice, and A- would be a bonus.

Well.. at the end, I have to thank God for the wonderful CA grades. Yea!!

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Saturday, November 24, 2007


Hmm.. It has been a week since my application.. wonder what has happened to it..

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Hmm.. Somehow I need more motivation to study.. I think I'm slacking cos my 1st paper is like a week away!!! argh!! sometimes I just wish things would just be over and done with but well, more time means more time to revise. So I should just use the time wisely right?

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Help in need, help indeed!!

God is closer than you think! Never felt that things can just miraculously right themselves but they just do.

O Rejoice in the Lord,
He makes no mistakes.
He knoweth the end
of each path that I take.
For when I am tried and purified
I shall come forth as gold

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Remember me?

I'm back! After a long haitus, I'm finally blogging again. Been doing quite some routine stuff lately so don't feel like blogging. I happened to feel kinda sick these few weeks too, looks like I'll have to up my vitamins as exams are round the corner. The 'half-yearly' end-of-semester post will be coming shortly too. Hmm, days are getting shorter as exams draw near but it's onward to camp after the papers!! Yea!

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007


To go or not to go.. That is the question..

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Friday, November 02, 2007

Follow up on Relationships

Think I've posted this before, but I think it's an apt time to put it up again.

If You Love Someone      

If you love some one because you think that he or she is really gorgeous ...
then it's not love .. it's ~ Infatuation ~......

If you love some one because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't ... then it's not love.. it's ~ compromise ~.......

If you love some one because you think that you cannot live without his touch ....
then it's not love .. it's ~lust~......

If you love some one because you have been kissed by him ...
then it's not love.. it's ~ inferiority complex~......

If you love some one because you cannot leave him thinking that it would hurt his feelings ..
then it's not love .. it's ~charity~....

If you love some one because you share every thing with him ...
then it's not love... it's ~friendship~...

but if you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable and you cry for him ... that's ~LOVE~ =

if you get attracted to three people but stay with him without any regrets...
that's ~LOVE~

If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to ...
that's ~LOVE~

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


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Saturday, October 27, 2007


I've got paid!! happy happy.. though it's only $20 but it's still money.. Refer to 25/9 if you are curious.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Relationships - update

I was reading my previous post on relationships and I think I have a nice sentence to summarize the whole post..

Only fools fall in love, sensible people get into a loving relationship.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Did you know? 1

This post will chronicle some of the interesting stuff I learn in school. It's title 1 because I hope there will be a 2 and 3 and so on and so forth.

Did you know..

that the Eiffel Tower was suppose to be a temporary structure? It was just used to showcase the technology of the elevator during a world exhibition in 1897. In the end, it became a permanent icon, something that now symbolizes France.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


As a normal male, it's at this age where we start looking for a mate. This post is not about my expectations of a mate but it is going to be a critical discussion on my observations on relationships and my thinking of it.

Over the past 2 years or so, I have been observing boy-girl relationships. Young couples in public transport, in school, in church, outside and etc. They all come in different patterns and different types. But one thing I know for certain, these relationships are secular in nature. It's all driven by feelings and emotions of love. Not that I'm criticizing them but that's my feel to it.

To me, an ideal BGR should be built on the love and respect for each other. It's going to be as solemn as a marriage cos the exact end of each relationship must be a marriage, hence no playing around with feelings. Having said this, I have to state that I am not a strong proponent of love at first sight. What I'm trying to bring across is that before we fall head over heels into any relationship, we have to think rationally, assess the whole situation. The quote "Love is beyond reason" doesn't have a place in my dictionary. On the contrary,  it is because love is beyond reason hence we have to understand our own reasons of embarking into a relationship.

The whole process of courtship should have a focus and theme. Not just dates with the guy trying to impress the girl but each date must have an objective or at least a focal point. A date is not lovey-dovey, all love talk, showing love for each other and nothing. Yes, they are part of a date but do consider the date as a component in the larger scheme of the relationship. A date should be an occasion where you use to get to know each other better, more. I don't mean physical, but spiritual, mental and emotional. The reason why divorce rates are rising is because none of these groundwork is being done in the courtship phase. Courtship is more than dinner dates and movie outings, serious conversations of each other should be the topic of the dinner table.

I do not claim to be an expert in relationships. Reason being, I have not been in one yet. But it is the precisely the reason why I'm writing this. A relationship is a serious matter concerning two parties, any failed attempt would mean emotional scarring for either one or both parties. I don't want to hurt people more than people hurt me, neither do I want to live with regrets, I hope you too don't want to live with regrets ya?

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007


When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.


Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.


When you look at others with their lands and gold.
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.


So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.


Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Sometimes, I looked around and feel all down, just singing this song perks me up. I mean I literally count my blessings and it really brightens up my day. I do hope everyone would take this song to heart and do count your many blessings when times are bad and you feel downtrodden. The refrain/chorus is a pretty summary of the whole song anyway. Think I'm going to have a post soon on my blessings that I have received thus far. It's going to be long....

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

God's answers


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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pay Per Post

Recently I was browsing through some blogs when I noticed this little thingy called PayPerPost (PPP for short). Though I didn't know what it really was, I decided to register for it. It was a quite a simple registration process but at the end there was an approval seeking time period from PPP. So I waited and waited, think it was about 2+ weeks and voila, I got their approval email today! It's weird that I got approved since I don't usually have much traffic to my blog and neither do I blog about commercial products. Think they just like my little blue boat floating up there.. =P

As I mentioned, I don't really know how to get my money since I don't have a paypal account or any online payment thingy so I'm still clueless about this. I'm supposed to blog about some advertisements from time to time to get the money.. Hmm, that is the easy part, i would say.. And for every post about the product/service, I get $$.. hehz.. So where does all these $$ go to? I dunno.. anyone wanna tell me?

Actually this introductory post gets me $20 (S$ or USD?, beats me..) I'm supposed to crap about 200 words in this post so I don't even know if there is 200 words here.. Hmm, a quick word count brings it to 220 words.. hahaz..

blog reviews

Penny for thoughts

Ok.. I know I forgot about the B&J post.. thanks cheryl for reminding.. =P But I won't be talking about it here.. The weather has been blazing hot, even as I coop myself in the room, I'm still feeling the heat.. I think I'll have to bathe more these few days..

some announcements
1) I failed my Grade 8 piano exams for the 2nd time.. This time I did worse than the 1st time. I dunno why but it just feels so stupid that I could have done worse..
2) I have 3 essays dues by the end of the week and I'm left with 5 days which equates to about me having to complete 1 essay per 1.5 day. Simply crazy..
3) I'm growing fat.. =/
4) My table messiness rating is hitting off the charts due to (2)

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Monday, September 24, 2007

do i have a short fuse? hmm.. I think I do..

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Thursday, September 20, 2007


o_O!! I can't believe it.. Ben and Jerry stall at Arts Forum!! I'm so going to visit it tomorrow.. Never going to let a B&J opportunity fly past me like that. That yogurt ice cream stall sure took a beating when they B&J was around, though I never once patron it before in the past 2 years.. =P

going to blog about my B&J experience tmr.. haz

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Monday, September 17, 2007


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waiting 2

It seems that one of the 3 elusive essays have been changed to a one week take home paper due on the 5th of Oct. Yeah.. one less essay for the mid-term break.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Waiting and waiting

I am supposed to have 4 essays due on 1st October. But out of the 4 only 1 of them have released the questions. I'm really panicky about the whole thing. Looks like I'm so going to miss out on the mid-term break.

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Friday, September 14, 2007


I finally got my 120 GB portable hard disk working. But now that it's working, I'm kinda wondering what to put inside. It's so portable that I have a lingering fear that I'll drop it someday and 'poof' goes the data inside so I'm not going to put any very important stuff inside. But on the other hand, it's 120 GB!!! what else to put other than important stuff like anime, songs and photos? =P School stuff is a big no-no as it's too risky. Maybe back up my whole computer on it? nah.. still too risky.. See, I'm in a big dilemma

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Saturday, September 08, 2007


Some explanation of the wishlist

1) A nice guyish watch
I suppose this is self explanatory. I'm kind of irritated by the fact that I need to dig out my handphone each time I need to check the time. I have a G-Shock watch.. but I don't like bulky watches, it reminds me of army.. =P

2) Pair of nice sneakers of any brand
My school going shoe has spoiled. Although it is still wearable but I really wish for a new pair. This current pair has lasted me for 2-3 years. Time for a change..

3) An iMac
Hmm.. Seems not to be top priority.. But I don't mind one..

4) A good bag to fit my laptop and everything else
I really need a good bag. None of my bags I have are up to my standard. Actually I don't think I have a standard. I buy one, use a while then I'll start to make a fuss over the defects of it, then I'll start looking for a new one.

5) One black Mokona
LOL.. I'm sure those who know what is this will have the reaction. For those who don't here's the url..

6) Jeans and some nice shirts
This is super self explanatory.

This list incorporates some of my birthday wish list.. wink wink.. =P

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I have this nagging thought to to start a birthday wish list.. hehz.. Like people will buy the things on my wish list..

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Friday, September 07, 2007


Oh.. I forgot the attach the map too..

As I don't have a photo-editing software.. I can't trace out the route.. Here's a rough description of where we tracked..

we entered via Venus Drive and cut through the whole white patch you see until the dotted line touched the green part, somewhere around Terap Hut. Then we followed the Pink Trail until it intersected with the Blue Trail. We took on the Blue Trail up to the Tree Top Bridge and followed it until we came back to the intersection point. Again we took the Pink Trail but this time we cut out to Island Club Road and walked along the road all the way out to the bus stop along Upper Thomson Road

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Tree Top walk

Thinking that there's nothing interesting to blog about, I'll dig out some of the stuff that I did during the last week of my holidays and make a super long post about it.

I'm sure all the nature enthusiast or if you have been around for the past 3-4 years, you would know that the HSBC Tree Top walk existed.

Well, I had wanted to go there but haven't found the occasion to go. Then one day, out of the blue, Ms Gracie suddenly said, 'Let's go the the Tree Top walk!' Question marks floated around my head. Why would she want to go Tree Top walk? Well, never mind the question as that isn't the topic. I agreed to go since I also wanted to go.

On a bright sunny Friday (10/8) morning, we embarked on our journey to the Tree Tops!

Walking and walking.. all we saw was



Fern species

and more green.. Although a few monkeys were there to see two weird people walking on twos.. =P

Along the way.. Something was moving on the path that we were walking on!! Snake? Monitor Lizard?

Nope.. Nothing scary..

What's a tortoise doing there? I really wonder.

finally we reached the Tree Top bridge!

The view from up there was simply breathtaking!

After the bridge, it was just backtracking all the way back to the start point to take a bus home..

On the bus home.. We're supposed to be tired.. But someone isn't that tired it seems.. After the morning workout, that someone had energy to go shopping in the afternoon.. hee..

Actually to be factually correct. We went shopping together after the walk. And I lasted longer than her.. I went over to Mind Cafe after our shopping spree to join my friends for a gaming session while Ms Gracie went home.. seems she wasn't feeling quite fine.. Anyway, it was definitely a very very long and tiring day for the both of us..

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I'm not so keen on updating my blog, not because I'm sick and tired of blogging but there is simply nothing to blog about. My life is just a cycle of tasks.

wake up -> eat b'fast -> go school -> in school -> come home -> eat dinner -> sleep -> (back to start)

sometimes feel so sian.. but well.. life goes on..

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

super super supre tired today.. Think I'll head for an early night.. Somehow I feel kinda sick and feverish on and off for a couple of months le..

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don't feel like blogging anything about what's going on in my life recently.. not that it's bad or what.. but just a bit sian..

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

for those who are still clueless.. I have a flickr account..

don't ask me why the last set of words is a mumbo jumbo when others are their usernames.. Beats me..

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

one thing I like about studying History is that stuff that I read just 'rocks the boat'. It makes me think and question on the many things I've always held as truth and fact.

Seems I like it when things just rock the boat.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm pretty satisfied with the amount of readings I managed to complete today. Tomorrow will be another free day, I'm sure I'll be able to continue the drive of reading. I hope this trend doesn't stop.. I'm so going to pull my sick CAP up to a 3.5 by the end of this AY..

I have a feeling that something's brewing but I need to be sure before capping the lid on it. Most importantly, I need to pray and ask God to show me the way.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. -Alexander Graham Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell Quotes

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Did I do a correct thing by asserting my authority? Seems right to me.. but was the way correct?  I don't really know the answer myself.. Should be able to find out next week.. =|

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Finally I got myself to sit down and study over the past few nights. Used to be sitting in front of the computer screen doing nothing but surfing, chatting - simply letting time to tick by.

I realized that time could be better spent to increase my knowledge and to aid me to score better in exams, than to let it tickle by and not come back anymore.

This semester, I'm taking PH1101E - Reason and Persuasion or simply put 'Introduction to Philosophy'. Just the first two lectures and I'm quite intrigued by the arguments and viewpoints brought forth. I'm someone who likes to argue a lot. Either to make my point known or to point out the faults of others, sometimes even trying to make black become white and vice versa. But should that be the whole point of an argument? If the end result is going to be one where you end up being more egoistic of yourself as being always winning, should we embark on the road to an argument in the first place?

In the module, I've learnt that there are no winners in an argument at all. The loser of course loses, but the winner loses his humbleness and humility. He will go around parading his new found victory, beaming over the losses of others. No matter how much of humbleness you can find in the winner's character. The moment he wins an argument, it all goes to his head and all is lost.

Witht his new knowledge, I'm going to strive to not argue as much as before. Not to be a losing party in arguments but more in a fact to accept the viewpoints of others and to alter their viewpoints to suit my viewpoints and to put all my viewpoints on to the discussion table and not flinch even when they are thrown back at my face. I'll gladly accept that my viewpoints are shit and make the necessary changes.

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

still on the verge of a major sickness.. Argh!! hate this feeling..

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Monday, August 20, 2007

not feeling too well today.. A combination of stomach trouble, sore throat, headaches and other various like joint pain.. On the bright side, i'm still surviving.. on the other, i wonder what i'm suffering from..

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

sometimes I dunno what my brain or heart is asking me to do.. I shouldn't do things out of emotions but through logical and critical thinking.. But am I capable of that? I seriously wonder..

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Finally discovered what's wrong with Mac.. Seems those freeware are kicking up a fuss.. bah..

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Week 1

What a week.. I guess I've nua-ed too long at home, not really used to the school life yet, feeling tired when it's like 11pm.. But it feels good to be busy at least it seems I've something worthwhile to do.

School beckons, readings scream to be read.
Seems RBR and carbonisation come as a package.

Halls picks up pace as activities fill the place.
The unheard-of CCAs and clubs: suddenly welcome teas come out.

Freshies or newbies, however you call them,
Keep blundering and wondering what's SS and GEM.

In the hustle and bustle, glimpses of friends flicker along corridors.
Rooms once echoing in silence break into a flurry exchange of words.

Buses forever cramped like sardines.
And canteens packed like buffet restaurants.

All found in one place,
The one and only NUS.

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Monday, August 13, 2007


I thought my Mac was all ready to go and face the outside world. But boy, was I wrong.. Think it's still shy.. =P

The moment I switched it on in school. It starts giving me problems..

I'm really wondering what is wrong with all the new hardware that is installed inside..

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Square One

I really can't remember what are the important softwares that I have installed in my computer before the crash, so I'm now using a very very Mac-ish comp. Virtually none of the settings have been tweaked at all. Somehow, I don't dislike it yet being a Mac-addict. Haz.. But think I'm going to get some new software to beautify my laptop once the hurt of the $$$ wears off..

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Mac's Alive

80 GB HD - $100

1 GB DDR RAM - $170

Service charge - $50

Mac alive and running - Priceless

For everything's else, there's MasterCard..

(Yeah right.. I'm a loyal VISA holder..) =P

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

why oh why..

My Apple iBook died.

From my sis - Didn't you say a Mac will never crash?

Ya, I did say that, not only to her but a lot of other people. So where's the catch?

When I said that a Mac will never crash, I meant that it will never crash due to software problems.
My iBook crashed because the HD spoilt. It's a hardware crash not a software crash. I still can switch on my laptop but it cannot detect the system volume to start up the operating system (OS)
. It's kinda irritating cos I can't use my laptop at all and I have to switch to the desktop which I'm not really compatible with. =P

Oh well, hope someone can help me with my problem asap..

Hurt + Annoyed

Being too nice isn't a good thing...

To someone:
I helped you because I had the time and was able to accommodate my schedule to handle the extra burden. But yet when things have all been done and settled and you are back to take care of the situation, I'm being criticized as not good, not up to standard. Although I may seem nice and friendly always, there are words that do hurt me deep and when they do cut and do damage, the little heart I have would all be shattered.

I don't care if you are young and don't mean what you say cos in my eyes, I believe that you have the discerning mind of a mature adult to think through your words before spouting them out. Yes, I'm still going to be a friend to you. But damage has been done and I hope time heals. If not, then I'm sorry if this incident will leave a scar in our friendship.

To that someone, if you know who you are - good, please don't do it again
To the rest - I'm fine. Just letting off steam

Monday, August 06, 2007


Questions and more questions

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Not feeling rested though I have been having around 8-10 hours of sleep everyday.. Been feeling so lethargic and sian.. Wonder why too..

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

thunk it's high time for me to do some soul-searching and occupy myself with deep thoughts

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Potter Sorter

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

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Your in-depth results are:

Hufflepuff - 11
Ravenclaw - 11
Gryffindor - 10
Slytherin - 10

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Journeying on the road with no end in sight.
I wish that there was someone with light.

In tears and fears, a hand, a friend appears
Beside me you stood, despite my lousy mood.

To accompany, to edify, to build and lean on.
Together hand in hand, walking and forging on.

When the road ends, when my eyes shut.
I thank thee my friend from the bottom of my heart.




Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I had a sore throat popping up today and was a little bothered by it.. But someone told me to be thankful that it's just a sore throat and not some other weird ailment that's bugging around everyday. Yup! It's just a sore throat and it can be treated with more water and vitamins.

To YOU: Thank you.. And be strong.. keeping you in prayers..

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It's so odd that I'm in a super super duper good mood these few days.. hahahahaz.. I'm simply smiling every where I go..

Happiness is know the savior..
Living a life within his favor
Having a change in my behavior
Happiness is the Lord!!

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Monday, July 30, 2007


Seems there's an on-off switch that controls the temperature of my hands and feet. Suddenly there are so cold when it was sunny for the whole morning.. Seriously, there's something wrong with my body..

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Love above all

I just went to watch this. I'd say I was pretty touched and eyes were wet at some point of the musical. At the end of the whole thing. A song (not from the musical) popped up in my head.

“I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus?
Who died upon the cruel tree?
To think of His great sacrifice at Calvary!
I know the Lord expects the best from me.


“How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the chains I’ve set free?
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
When He has done so much for me?”

“I wonder have I cared enough for others,
Or have I let them die alone?
I might have helped a wanderer to my Savior,
The seed of precious life I might have sown.

“No longer will I stay in the valley—
I’ll climb to mountain heights above;
The world is dying now for want of someone
Who will tell them of the Savior’s matchless love.

—E. Edwin Young

There are times I really wonder have I really put in my best into what I am doing? I wonder if I am treading on a path the Lord has set for me? For me, I really wish that I can put in my best in what I'm doing. Yet, I'm not sure if what I'm doing is what God wants me to do.

The only thing I'm sure now is.. I do like what I'm doing.. Is that the right feeling?

Anyway, here's info about the musical. Though it has ended but the website's still up.

(taken from

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
(John 15:13)

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”. Jim Elliot

Five young and promising lives were lost in Ecuador on January 8, 1956.

To the world, it was incomprehensible why the five missionaries chose not to defend themselves with their guns but had allowed their attackers to take their lives in the most savage and gruesome way. Equally astounding were their widows who later returned to the Ecuadorian jungles to face their husbands' murderers with the power of God’s love to turn violence, fear and tragedy into triumphant hope.

The story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot has become the narrative and inspiration for hundreds after them to commit their lives to the mission field. The deaths of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Peter Fleming, Ed McCully and Roger Youderian were reportedly portrayed in the media as a tragedy, including Time and Life magazines, but the reports could make no sense of the risk-taking and sacrifice that was clearly not borne out of daredevil adventurism or voyeurism.

Their commitment to their calling eluded all reasoning of the popular media. The heroic culture of our time is that of the poor boy who becomes rich rather than one so rich who chooses to become poor. Jim Elliot and the other four missionaries who gave up their lives in reaching the Auca Indians with the gospel mirrors Christ who from Heaven’s riches came to earth willingly to die a lowly and painful death so that we may be reconciled with God.

The missionaries carried guns primarily for protection against wild animals but were careful to keep them out of sight. They had agreed with each other before God that they would not use it in a human attack, even if it meant facing certain death, for this was the way Christ won the world with God’s message of salvation. The armies of heaven were at ready to rescue Him from the cross at His command, but that would have defeated God’s purpose.

It was the realisation by the Auca people that the missionaries were capable of defending themselves but had chosen not to that perplexed and haunted them for a long time.

When the Aucas kill, they use the strategy of superior force in numbers to overwhelm their prey. Six Aucas with spears were no match for five foreigners armed with guns, and so Gikita the Auca leader, decided that the element of surprise was necessary. On that early Sunday afternoon, the six attackers came out of the jungle to greet the missionaries in a friendly manner as they had in previous
contacts. Gikita sent three women ahead to the far side of the river to distract and separate the missionaries as a strategy for the attack. Jim and Peter waded into the river to greet the women. Nampa, a young Auca warrior, ran towards them and speared Jim first. Gikita then rushed at Nate, spearing him, and then turned on Ed who had gone to Nate’s aid. Roger, who ran to the plane parked on the river sand bank to radio their situation, was speared in the back.

During the attack, Peter who was wading out with Jim to greet the women, had rushed to the far side of the river and called out in what little Auca he knew, saying “We just came to meet you and not to hurt anyone. Why are you attacking us”? If he had fled into the jungle, he would have lived. Instead, he waited and was speared by one of the young Aucas called Kimo. In Auca custom, the bodies of the five missionaries were thrown into the river. Four of the bodies were recovered from the river by a search and rescue party sent out the next day, but Ed McCully’s body had been washed away.

After the killings, the Auca Indians saw what they later described as angels singing above the trees. Instinctively, they knew the bright lights they saw moving around, shining like a sky full of beetles similar to fireflies but brighter and unblinking, were something supernatural. This experience was what drew one of women present at the attack to believe in God. They were able to later identify the music from a record player to be choral singing.

The missionary widows, not to be distracted by the public outpouring of sympathy or their personal loss, had boldly ventured into the Ecuadorian jungle again in late 1958 with their young children, establishing a mission among the Auca people and eventually winning the entire tribe for Christ. Gikita, now a forgiven believer, has seen his children and grand-children grow up without the constant fear of spearing, and dreams only of going to heaven and living peacefully with the five men who came to tell
him about his creator God.

The five missionaries left behind nine children and one unborn. They never got to watch their children grow up and enjoy their grandchildren. They willingly faced death for the sake of obeying God’s calling to bring the gospel to the Auca people, a tribe known for their violence toward outsiders. Since the first missionary to enter Auca territory, a Jesuit priest, was murdered in 1667, a long history of death
by spearing had greeted oil company employees, rubber hunters and the early Spanish conquistadors who had ventured there.

Upon graduating from Wheaton College and declaring his plans to bring the gospel to the Auca Indians, Jim Elliot was once asked if he was foolhardy in embarking on such an undertaking; he replied: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”.

Hartzell, Char M., The Triumph of Martyrdom. Wheaton Alumni, Spring 1996

Saint, Steve., The Ecuador Martyrs: Did They Have to Die? Christianity Today, September
16, 1996, 26

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, July 28, 2007

yum yum

I love pulut hitam..

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Try this..

I'm using this web browser now.. It's simply nice and has many features!

1) Able to blog without logging into blogger
2) Able to upload photos to Flickr
3) With a simple add-on, you can post to your Twitter account
4) Has a feed reader

Get Flock

Though it's still in a developmental phase, but as of now it's jam-packed with features. It works on both Windows and Mac.

For those who use Firefox, Flock runs on the Firefox engine so a switch to Flock is just a breeze, plus it imports all your Firefox bookmarks during the initial set up phase.

Believe me, you will grow to like it.. and it's FREE!!!

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

6 months have come and gone.. YF photos for the past year..

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Do Men's value increase with age while Women's decrease with age?

Been thinking about this question.. Do leave your comments. Thanks.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

oh.. for the record.. I'm now officially the world's local bank's account holder.. Haz.. So cool right? Mommy says it's gng to be used for all my future 'burdens' like marriage, car, house, children and all the rest of the package.. bah..

Then hor.. If I stay single then all the money will be MINE!!! Mwahahah..  ($)_($)

This is so utterly unbelievable... I'm planning my timetable for the coming semester and oddly.. On odd weeks, I'm pratically having a 2 day week... =P that is if tutorial balloting don't screw up... Hmmm.. A 2/3 day week.. simply crazy...

Why am I such a toot? =/

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tummy's aching like dunno what.. Must be something I ate.. It's building up to a full blown diarrhoea.. Bah.. Hate it when the tummy's acting up like this.. But somehow, I just don't bother to find out what food caused it, I'll still be the greedy, yao gui me.. =P

Monday, July 16, 2007

Visual DNA

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Questions Questions..

I have to strive for what is mine... But if it's not mine, why should I strive for it then?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Black and White keys

My piano exam was a breeze. Though I won't have much confidence that I'd pass but I know that I won't get a lousy grade. The examiner was a young man and he seems very proficient in singing according to his profile. Hope I did not cause his ears to itch during the sight-singing portion of the exam.

This is the 2nd time I'm taking the exam for the same grade. Really hope I won't fail this time as it costs $300 to take a exam plus all the costs of the lessons and everything.

But then... Looking back, I don't think I have practiced that much to warrant me a pass.. Hope God is merciful..

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Important dates to note in July


4th - Module Preference Exercise  --- DONE
12th - Piano exam (2nd time) --- DONE
17th - FTT (3rd time)
25th - CORS

Sunday, July 08, 2007

went for my pri sch gathering last night.. and my gosh.. It has been 11 whole years since we were small little boys and girls in Rosyth Primary 6B1.. It's just unimaginable how we have grown over the years and some of us weren't recognisable at all... We have really changed a lot and I say I really cherish each and every friend I've made in primary school.. 

It was sad that Miss Lim couldn't join us yesterday but if she could, I'm sure she would have been quite proud of what we have become.. A bunch of rowdy, little kids, over the workings of time and society, we have changed and emerged into fine young men and women.. Most of the girls have graduated and some have started working, the guys are still in the midst of pursing a degree.. 

It's real fun meeting up old friends and catch up on those days when we were young and innocent, where everything in life just revolves round playing, eating, studying. No worries, no cares, just living life a day at a time.. Those days are sorely missed.. 

But well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Everyone has to grow up and so here we are, with the next lap in life. 

Who knows the next 11th gathering from now, we could be appearing with 'juniors'.. =P

Pics will be up soon..

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I need to find something to do..

Friday, July 06, 2007


Thursday, July 05, 2007

some late photos..

Recce on Sungei Buloh..

See the Lizard? this was super big!!

this was just sunbathing on the pathway, oblivious to the surroundings. Didn't even flinch when I crouched down to take a photo.

some sweet treat after lunch - Sugar cane!

Actual outing to Sungei Buloh with YF.

The mudskippers there are huge!!

Squirrel - a whole family of them, but were too fast for my shutter..

Looks like a croc eh.. but it isn't...

It's just a swimming monitor lizard.


Snakes Alive!! 
the shiny thing on the right is the eye. It's more than 2m long, couldn't take the whole length.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

11:16:56 PM ******* say she cant stand ur song
11:17:02 PM cos the quality is really bad
11:17:12 PM can u pls change it? do corrinne may some justice~ =P

LOL.. so here is the change.. hahaz.. I'm being a leecher once again..

in the process of changing blog skin.. Think white on black is kinda strain on the eyes, but the color contrast just looks nice. Oh well, eyes more important.

Itchy Scratchy

I really wonder what happen this evening.. After watching Transformers at The Cathay, I was scratching all over.. My whole body was itching like mad, but I had to control myself, couldn't scratch too open in public. But hell, the itch was super unbearable, almost got mad with it.

Upon reaching home, woohoo, eased the itch by scratching like a dog..

But now I really wonder why am I scratching all over? could be a few reasons.

1) the dinner I ate at Tam Po Po - maybe allergic to some food item like the fish roe
2) the seat at The Cathay - which is not quite possible as my back wasn't itching, just the front and the neck.
3) normal heat rash

Grr.. the itch is still super unbearable..

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What is Love?

If You Love Someone

If you love some one because you think that he or she is really gorgeous ...
then it's not love .. it's ~ Infatuation ~......

If you love some one because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't ... then it's not love.. it's ~ Compromise ~.......

If you love some one because you think that you cannot live with out his touch ....
then it's not love .. it's ~ Lust ~......

If you love some one because you have been kissed by him ...
then it's not love.. it's ~ Inferiority complex ~......

If you love some one because you cannot leave him thinking that it would hurt his feelings ..
then it's not love .. it's ~ Charity ~......

If you love some one because you share every thing with him ...
then it's not love... it's ~ Friendship ~.......

but if you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable and you cry for him ... that's ~ LOVE ~ =

if you get attracted to three people but stay with him without any regrets...
that's ~ LOVE ~

If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to ...
that's ~LOVE~

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Trials and Temptations

I was asking Cheryl about the difference between tests (or trials) and temptations.


Testing and tempting are 2 different things. Firstly, the source. Test comes from God while temptation comes from the devil.

James 1:13-14 tells us clearly that God will not tempt us: "When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed."

In the NT, Jesus was tempted by the satan when He was in the desert 40 days.

Also in the NT, we saw that Jesus prayed to the Father, asking Him not to lead us into temptation. What it means? Satan needs to get permission from God to tempt us! In Job 1:12, "The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger."

We have to bear in mind that when we face trials & temptation, we are to continue to seek God in prayer because "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." (1 Cor 10:13)

Back to tests. Tests exist to help us to gain another spiritual level, if we pass the test. In James 1:2-4, we are reminded by Paul to "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

We have to learn to see things through the Spirit. I will encourage you to see, think, hear & speak through the eyes, mind, ear & mouth of Jesus; have the mindset Jesus have. Ask & you shall be give, that's what God says, if you pray for His will be done.


I'd say she gave a good answer to the question. Seems she's more than meets the eye.

the heat is killing me!! bah.. I need air con..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

waiting till the cows come home..

Am making a vcd of the sermons during the church camp. It takes 3+ hours to transfer the 1 clip from the CD to my comp.. Kinda expected it though as each clip is a little over 1 GB. It's still going on in the background as I'm typing this.. looks like it's going to be a long wait.. =/

walking dead

I'm stifled to death staying at home. Having nua-ed 2 days away, I declare that I need to go out!! Anyone wants to ask me out? I'm sooooooooo BORED and DEAD at home, I feel like a zombie now.

Get me out from this nightmare!!

Missin' someone?

Have you ever missed someone and felt terrible cos you reckon that he/she doesn't miss you?

You'll be sitting ard wondering if you meant anything to him/her, or he/she ever knows you existed.

Rushing to the phone once you received a msg hoping that it's him/her.

Sitting in front of the TV or holding a book hallucinating abt him/her.

Nuaing on the bed and thinking of the last time u guys were out together.

Logging on to the internet hoping to see him/her online.

Looking ard on the train wondering if he/she could be there.

I guess missing someone is part of growing up, which exposes us to loneliness and a feeling called emptiness. Its awesome to miss someone, knowing that you really care and indulge in the feeling of loving n caring for him/her. But missing someone and not knowing if he/she is feeling the same is dreadful.

So if you miss someone, tell him/her and at the same time, ask if they miss you too. Don't let the feeling of missing someone become jealousy or paranoia.


Plucked (and edited) this from somewhere on the Net. Kinda true.. 

So to all my friends, you are missed by ME!! =P

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Lately, I've been receiving minor shocks. Details as follows.

1) I went for a blood test recently. One of the analysis, the measurement for the liver, for a normal person it would have to be below 51 but mine was like more than 3 times the amount at 163. So the doctor asks if I drink or smoke.. But I don't do either, so she says it's kinda dangerous for this to happen. Going for a re-test 2 months from now, if it's still just as bad, I'd have to go for an ultrasound to determine the cause.. =/

2) Yeah!!! I won a pair of Dim Sum Dollies: History of Singapore tickets. But.... the show is a Sunday Matinee at 3pm which would clash with choir. bah.. so sad right.. Anyone wants them?

3) Today is the 20th of June, and I just got informed that my piano exam is on 12th July!!!!! I'm so dead.. Looks like I have to bitter practice and practice for the next few days.. The neighbours are going to have to tahan to all the noise I'm going to create.. haz..

4) I closed my student account at a certain driving centre and they said the cheque would be delivered to me in 3 weeks time. Well, after 3 weeks of waiting, still no cheque but I was having reservist in the 4th week. 5th week I was in m'sia and this week is the 6th week. Upon calling the centre, it was eventually discovered that they mailed the cheque to a wrong person.. super lousy administration and finance departments ya? But thank God, as the cheque is in my name to me so the person couldn't do anything to it. Now a new cheque is on it's way to my house.

5) guess that's all. any more shock, I'd better get prepared for a heart attack.. =P


Monday, June 18, 2007


This is highly cool!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Unanswered prayers?

I asked the Lord for strength so that I may accomplish things.
But He made me helpless so that I could learn to trust and obey.

I asked the Lord for health so that I can do many things.
But He made me weak so that my service might be focused.

I asked the Lord for riches so that I can be happy.
But He made me poor so that I may learn prudence.

I asked the Lord for power so that people can hold me in awe.
But He made me small so that I will depend on him.

I asked the Lord for everything so that I can enjoy life.
But He gave me life so that I can enjoy everything.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Knowing you..

I lay my whys before your cross

in worship kneeling,

my mind too numb for thought

my heart beyond all feeling:

And worshipping,

realize that I in knowing you don't need a why.

-Ruth Graham Bell-


Popped by Joan's blog and saw that she has planned her modules for the coming AY.. Maybe I should start to chart my path too though I don't really know what I want to take next semester. All I know is my general account is too low to take cross faculty modules this coming semester so I will have to stick to arts mods which will be quite easy to plan a 3 or 4 day week. Guess I'll try to clear all my history level 2 modules asap this coming AY before hoping over to other faculties so that my CAP is a little higher to afford the high risk of taking those 'foreign' modules. Hmm.. There aren't any interesting history modules this coming semester think I'll just have to take whatever that comes along. =/

silly me at work again..

I have been subscribing to daily devotionals from crosswalk and have been using it for QT for the past few months.. Lately, I realised the material is a little inclined to the fairer sex but I didn't really bother until yesterday I went back to crosswalk website then I found out. It was a devotional for women.. LOL.. I couldn't believe that I had been using a wrong devotional material for the past few months but then some of the days the words of encouragement and admonishment helped a lot in my walk with the Lord. I have since made the necessary changes but I must say I'm still quite the silly boy I was. Silly me.. =P

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Hoping for?

It feels weird hoping for something that will never have any chance of happening right? Yet, hope is something that gives one a purpose and objectives in life to carry on, to strive towards an imaginary goal which appears as a mirage. But given time and patience, the ever disappearing mirage would one day become a reality, a tangible outcome. As long as hope is not lost, all things will have an answer and an end.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Can't say I'm very satisfied by my exam results.. My CAP dropped from 3.5 to 3.18.. it's a big drop of 0.38. Although I expected to have the lousy grades this semester but some modules were lower than expected which made me kinda sad. But well, I'll bounce back like I always do. It's not going to be a hindrance to my learning process. I'm sure I did learn a lot this semester although the grades reflected otherwise. This sem has been good and I hope to continue accquiring knowledge in the next few years.

Haz.. Finally after 4 semesters of exams, I'm a officially a year 2. LOL..

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

writer's block

I'm suffering from writer's block or rather to be precise it's translator's block.. So there won't be a story yet for a couple of days. I've been contemplating if I shld abridge the story so it's shorter and easier to read.. Well.. let's wait and see.

Friday, May 25, 2007

ring ring

If only I could take a photo and put it here.

Sitting beside me are 3 mobiles. one is my 6230i, the other is my 6610 and the last is my 2100. All of them except the 6610 are active lines. The 6230i is my personal line and the 2100 is the SBC line. Although they seldom ring but looking at those 3 phones beside me makes me feel so like a business man.

As for the humble 6610, it's going to be of use soon. come 4/6 when I don on my greens, I'll have to use it for national security reasons. lol..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


It was fun to look at the old photos and laugh at them. But at the same time, it was sad. Why? Because some of the people in the photos are no longer in our midst now. EIther they have left for 'greener' pastures or have disappeared altogether. Furthermore, I was looking at my old self and now. I don't really see much difference in myself, still old kiddish me. I need an objective to change for a better, but it does seem like I haven't found one or maybe I'm not focusing on my objective at all. Looking at some of the people there. I hope that they will continue to be around, serving in truth and spirit till the day we all meet the Maker in all eternity.

Looking at time past and gone,
We've all grown old and forlorn.

Grey makes its way through Black
While White becomes the new Black

What's there that we have done?
What's left that we have not done?

Feeling regret when this life is past?
Clutching on to things that won't last?

Sunday, May 20, 2007


I was going through some photos on our faith fighters multiply website:

And these photos are taken during one of our workshops during YF June Camp 2003 at Loyang. Although it's somewhat funny but it's thought-provoking.

Characteristics I look 4 in a future boyfriend

Characteristics in a Husband

Characteristics I look 4 in a future girlfriend

Characteristics in a Wife

Friday, May 18, 2007


Here's my iBook makeover.


and after,

After spending quite a sum on it, I think it's money well-spent. Looks real nice. Actually if they could make it to cover the whole front face, it would be nicer. For now it's just covers the front flat surface, the curves are exposed but still, it's scratch proof, water proof, dirt proof and etc etc.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happiness 2


‘Tom.. It’s me.. He…’ the voice of Carolyn came through the sound of crying.

‘Oh? Can you stop crying? I can’t understand what are you trying to say.’ an exasperated Thomas replied, yet his voice was filled with the ever so minute traces of worry and concern.

However the crying did not stop, and Thomas could only wait patiently for Carolyn to make sense of what she was trying to say. Time passed and eventually the cries died down to sniffles, suddenly a tiny voice cracked through the phone. ‘He rejected me.’

Upon hearing this, Thomas heart skipped a beat. On one hand he was glad, for Carolyn was still single but on the other he was feeling sad for Carolyn, for the plight that she is in now.

--to be continued--

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happiness 1

‘I’m sorry. But I simply can’t love you.’

Carolyn hugged Joshua tightly from behind, like a castaway clutching on to a piece of driftwood for life.

‘No!’ she cried out, ‘I don’t want it to be like that,’ she exclaimed almost to the brink of hysteria.

‘I can understand the feelings you have for me, but I can’t accept it. I can only say sorry to you,’ he consoled her with his ever soft and comforting voice.

‘Why? Why can’t you accept my feelings? Am I not worthy for you? Tell me what’s wrong!’ she blurted out. She could never imagine that her first confession to him would result in a calm yet painful reply from Joshua.

Joshua pried the arms that encircled him and turned to face Carolyn. He clasped her hands and said, ‘Carol, you are a nice girl and there’s nothing wrong with you. But I’m not qualified to love you as I am not able to grant you happiness. My heart belongs to someone else. I’m really sorry.’

All along, Joshua knew that Carolyn had feelings for him. But in his heart, there was a certain someone who was his source of happiness. Therefore, so as not to delude Carolyn any longer, he decided to reject her tactfully. But, no matter how tactful the rejection was, it was bound to have its repercussions.

‘No.. I don’t want your apologies! I don’t want you to say you’re sorry! All I know is that you can bring me happiness.. and I do love you! So what if there is another person in your heart, I only want you to love me!’ Carolyn blurted out amidst the flow of tears that kept streaming down her cheeks.

Joshua looked at Carolyn and said, ‘You must never like me, for I will only bring you sadness, like now.’

‘But.. I.. only want.. to love you..’ Carolyn looked at him with her tear stained eyes.

Joshua, as he wiped her tears away looked at her, filled with guilt. He always believed that a man should not let a woman cry, especially Carolyn who has always been so strong. He could only feel sorry for her and nothing else besides that for his heart could not be shared with another person.

---to be continued---

Happiness - Prologue

Happiness - To be able to love someone or to be loved by someone or both?

-- the story begins --


I'm starting to translate a story from my friend's blog. It's titled 'Happiness'. I estimate that it should be around 40 chapters long. so stay around and enjoy the read.

for those who want to read the actual story in chinese
--click here--

Monday, May 14, 2007

Good Stuff for all

I got this from my friend's blog. I think it's good for both guys and girls so do take a look. It's kinda long but it's really really good and meaningful, so spend some time and read it.

If men were like buses, how do you catch one?
A more important question is - how do you catch the RIGHT one?

Simple: You take only the bus that's headed the RIGHT direction.

First we must allow our Heavenly Father to do the picking. And second, the decision for a mate must be made on a spiritual and intellectual basis before its made on an emotional one.

What about love? you ask. I'll tell you why.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jer 17:9).
The heart is willful and is driven by its own agenda. It does not consider things rationally and intelligently - it just loves to love! Therefore you have to point it in the right directions:

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

Whenever you meet a man, you need to get clearance from God, check out his attributes, and then allow your heart to engage. Dating exists not for mating; it exists for collecting data. I believe that the biblical design would be friendship, courtship and then marriage. Friendship is two people walking together in agreement and accountability, learning and growing together. Courtship follows the mutual agreement to commit to one another exclusively - it is the decisive turning toward the agreed-upon goal of the marriage altar. It is a period of laying foundation and preparing your life together after marriage.

But how? Well, if you do date, use the time wisely to gather facts. So when you do gather facts, let us compare the process to clothes shopping.

1. Check out the fabric.

Is the person mate material? Does this man have an intimate relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ? Does he care what God thinks about his behavior? Is he accountable to God as well as another co-laborer in the faith?

Accountability is an important factor. It is imperative to maintaining a committed relationship. Is your potential spouse a member of the same family - the family of God? Scripture is clear on this: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" (2 Cor 6:14).

You need to have common interest and values and agree on the essentials of living day to day. You have a similar spiritual walk. You eat the same diet. You enjoy a lot of similar things. You have like interests, like goals in life, like opinions on basic life issues. You have had like experiences in your background. Though there is some truth to the idiom that opposites attract, like-minded folks fare better together.

Furthermore, does he want to get married? If you want to be married and your dreamboat isn't interested, don't waste your time. Remember, women fall in love and get married. Men decide to get married and then look for a wife (Aik Hui: Really? I didn't know that.. lol). Note the difference in order. So if a guy says he's not looking for anything serious, take his words seriously. If he's not going your direction, get off the bus & wait for the right one.

2. Does this man want you? Is he pursuing you?

The man who is right for you will pursue you and God's hand in the relationship will be clear. No guessing, no fleeces, no dead ends. Scripture says: "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord"( Prov 18:22). Note - who finds whom? THE MAN FINDS THE WIFE. From the beginning of time, God has transported men & women across the world in order to put them together. At the RIGHT TIME, He will bring that man on the scene and he will find you.

In God's perfect design, the man is the one who recognizes his mate. Adam has no problem recognizing that Eve was his missing rib. You do not need to strategically place yourself anywhere. You don't have to help a guy out because he's shy. Men will do whatever they have to do to get what they truly want.

The man in your life should recognize you as the pearl of great price in his life and be willing to do whatever he must in order to gain your hand. If he is passive about gaining your affections, take it as a sign that he is not interested. Many a woman's mother has suggested that it is a good idea to marry a man who loves you more than you love him. As cold as that sounds, it actually might be scriptural if you stop to think about it: "We love him because he first loved us" (1 Jn 4:19).

Until then, take the ultimate chill pill. You don't need a bunch of men in your life to make you feel all right about yourself. You need only one man - your man, the one God has selected to select you. And trust me, the right man at the wrong time can be just as awful as the wrong man at any time. So trust God's timing in this. He is the ultimate matchmaker. Relax, sit pretty and allow yourself to be found.

Again - WAIT until the man voices his intentions. He should take the lead in establishing the relationship. You may have an inkling that he is the one, but God will use the man to set the tone of the relationship.

Allow him the opportunity to woo you - this is your first act of submission. Jesus set the standard for all men to follow. They should love us first. And they should lead the relationship.

3. The man in your life should not desire to move into your house, only into your heart.

A man who prepares for your future has made his intentions clear. A man who is husband material has the means to take care of a wife. He is a responsible human being who understands he needs to have something to offer. In short, a man should have the means to be a suitable lover for you.

4. Check out his buddies.

Everyone knows birds of the same feather flock together, yet most women fail to see the connection between a man and his friends. A man's pals tell you a lot about the person that you haven't seen yet. They reveal things about the guy's character that might be hidden when he is on good behavior. Everyone knows how to put his best foot forward. Don't stay focused on the foot, check out the rest of the body!

5. Check out his relationship with his mother.

How does he treat her? This is your preview of how he will treat you.There are lots of men who, because of a negative relationship with their mothers, really don't like women, yet say they do. Unresolved issues between mother and son continue between husband and wife.

6. Remember that a man's family reveals the cloth from which he's cut.

Take note and decide whether you want your future with the man in your life to look like his present family situation.
(I don't really agree with this point though..... I believe someone can step out the mould of the family that he came from if he chooses to.)

7. Check out the patterns of his life.

Do you see repeated cycles of drama in his personal kingdom? Broken relationships? Problems in making commitments? Including the job market? Mood swings? Is a problem always someone else's fault? Does he embrace responsibility or shirk it? Does he keep his promises? Is he a man of good reputation? Remember all garments look wonderful hanging in the store, but with wear, some begin to unravel. Give yourself time and space to check out the man in your life. Time will always reveal whether or not he is made of the right stuff.

8. Does this man have a vision for his life? Is he running with that vision?

Remember, God decided Adam needed help once Adam got busy DOING his assignment. As we saw Adam, a man doesn't need help until he is busy doing what he was created and called to do. Is your guy guided by a sense of destiny and purpose, or does he just allow life to happen around him? A man who is not certain of his mission can be a most miserable person - and you'll be miserable too if you know where YOU want to go in life.

A man who has vision is not intimidated by a woman whose mission statement is clear. He will be your best ally, cheerleader and assistant because he wants you both to make it! A man who cannot be supportive of your achievements because he is floundering in a sea of uncertainty over his own life is not a healthy partner to have and to hold forever. Creating dependencies or feelings of obligation is not the way to get the best out of your man. Somewhere along the way, he will resent you and flee from the smothering burden of obligation he associates you with.

You want a man who is firmly anchored in his identity in Christ. Remember, we are looking for a man who will be priest and leader of his home. His first instinct should be to want to cover you, redeem you, and provide for you. Your job is to decide if this is the man God has ordained for you to complement.

9. Complementarities.

Do your talents and gifts complement his? Do his gifts complement yours? What about your temperaments? Do you see the two of you as an effective team capable of bringing blessing to the lives of those around you? Do your futures mesh? Can you coordinate your gifts in an attractive and effective way?

This is why knowing your purpose is so important. Make sure your hearts beat for mutual causes. When I go shopping, I always consider the fabric. Can it be a complementary addition to what I already have? If I find that I am going to have to buy shoes and matching accessories to go with a new outfit, I leave it right on the rack. It is too expensive a proposition. If the man you meet makes you feel that you need to completely reinvent yourself, something is wrong. This is where I ask you to consider the relationship in terms of cost. Is this relationship expensive spiritually, emotional or physically? Does your longing for a mate make you willing to forfeit who you are in the process? Or does he see you as the gift that you are? The man in your life should consider you a rare find, a priceless jewel - because of you he is getting ready to get blessed big-time! Any relationship that causes you to feel unworthy, unlovely, unacceptable, undesirable or that you have to work for love, is too expensive!

God has called the man to cover, protect and provide not only materially for a woman, but emotionally and spiritually as well. You should be richer in mind, body and spirit for your union with the man of your dreams. The man in your life should make rich deposits into your heart and spirit, not withdrawals.

10. Does he have a healthy love & acceptance of himself?

Make sure the man in your life has taken time to heal from past relationships and has made peace with himself. How he cares for himself is how he will care for you. A man's relationship with God is crucial here. His love for himself will only be as strong as his love for God. This is not something that you can impart. You cannot be his savior or teacher. That is out of spiritual order.

In his rightful place as your personal priest, he should be leading you to a richer relationship with Christ. If he is causing you to compromise your faith and destabilize your walk, if he is leading you into sexual sin or causing you to be distracted from your commitment to Christ, the relationship is too expensive. If you and your man can't soar in the Spirit, when the force of your love for another is tested by the pull or gravity of the world, your union will not be able to survive. So you decide.

Your prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,
I confess that I have not always been as careful as I should've been with my heart. From time to time, my desire for love has caused me to leave my heart in the wrong hands. I now commit my heart into Your hands for safekeeping. Please help me to stop being so impulsive with what you deem so precious. As I learn to celebrate Your love for me, let me learn from Your example what a bridegroom should really be like. Help me to never settle for less than what you desire for me. In Jesus' name.