Monday, April 30, 2007


After a year in arts, I wouldn't say that I've made the correct choice of changing yet. But life in FASS is simply much much better than at FoS. I meet people.. People who have a life.. Lives that are interesting and not boring like white lab coats. People who are so happening that makes FASS the fun place to be. I don't think I'll ever meet people in FoS who are half as exciting as the friends whom I've got to know in the past 2 semesters.

And now for the Honors roll..

If not for the switch, I won't have known Huiyi aka 'twin' and Eugene aka 'daddy'
Got to know them together plus Yiwei and Li Jun
What fun we had for that semester

Thru 'twin', I met Min Zhi
Thru Min Zhi, I got to know Xiao Yan and Rong Yan -- the two YANs which made me so blur blur during the 1st few times I met them.

First contact with Joan was kind of funny..
But somehow, we got to know each other a little better thru some 'unlawful' activity..

With a level 3 module, encountered Grace and Jurana who can't understand why I'm eating every single time.
And again this Grace who will always roll her eyes at my crappy comments

Those who aren't mentioned here, please don't fret
For you are still fondly remembered in my HP and MSN

Do keep in touch!! And forget each other not ya? God Bless to those who are graduating this semester!!

I need a haircut soon.. maybe I should cut super short like army hairstyle.. I don't like long hair and it's kinda a waste of money going to the barber every month.. Still deciding.. =P

Friday, April 27, 2007

Pathetic Lunch

Today, pop over to Gardens' Cafe Cartel to study HY2245 with Joan. She wanted to eat the Chicken Breast Pasta while I was pondering over what to eat. Lazy to flip the menu and be spoilt for choice I chose the other choice in the Set Lunch menu.

The name: Breaded Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Sauce - sounds nice ya?

But the signs of disaster started to come... The soup came (and stayed on the table even after we finished it), followed by Joan's pasta. While I waited and waited for my FIsh Fillet... and waited.. and waited.. until the waiter came and cleared our soup bowls..

The original version
Waiter, "Are you waiting for anything?"
Me,"Yah, the umm..."
Waiter,"the rice is it? I help you check." then he walked away, before I could say 'FISH'

The annoyed version (if I was anything but annoyed)
Waiter, "Are you waiting for anything?"
Me,"Duh.. What do you think I'm doing here? Eating your free bread and drinking your free water?"

Well, anyway, after waiting for another couple of minutes, I went to fill my cup of water. The same waiter saw me and said in Chinese," Your rice need to wait around 3 minutes." By then I couldn't care less if it's fish or rice, just bring the plate to me la.

Anyway, it did appear after 3 mins and here how it looks.

it's really rice and fish.. and those strips on the fish isn't fries, it's capsicum. This dish looks much like what my mom puts on our dinner table.. I expected more from Cartel.. What rubbish. But well, the portion's pretty big, I couldn't finish the rice. But Joan the Foodie finished her pasta.. Amazing right?!!

Nvm.. I'll never order this dish again..

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I suppose it's the stress bug.. haven't been sleeping soundly from the day I started panicking for the exams. I don't usually panic, but this semester is giving quite a headache, I think I was not exactly thinking straight when I chose to take 6 modules this semester and out of them, 1 lvl 3000 mod.. See la.. Act smart and now stress out la..

counting and counting

3 down.. 3 more.. almost there.. jia you..

It's kinda weird giving encouragement to myself on my blog.. =P

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thank God for His wonderful kindness

Just when I was feeling pretty disillusioned with things, itchy fingers me went over to today to do my QT and may I say, God works in mysterious ways. I'm encouraged now! haz.

Today's Scripture
2 Cor 13:5 - Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? (KJV)

Thoughts for Today
Yesterday we considered the importance of taking a regular inventory of our lives. A good place to start is by examining our relationship with God. As you begin to do this, ask yourself some hard questions like these:

Do I know God better today than I did last month or last year?
Am I asking God about his plan for my life - or just forging on ahead, doing my own thing?
Am I too busy for God?
Am I persisting in some behavior that I know is displeasing to him?
Prayerfully add some of your own questions. Write down your answers. Resist the natural tendency to make excuses or avoid a problem area. Be completely honest with yourself and with God. Remember, he knows your every thought - there's no way to hide anything from him. The good part about that is ... he loves you anyway!

Consider this ...
You can trust Jesus to forgive your failures and give you the strength to get your life back on track. The changes might be small or large. The important thing is to always be moving in the right direction - toward God and his plan for your life.

Father, I desire to grow in my walk with you, to know you better, to accomplish your plan for my life. Help me see the areas in my life that need change - and then to do something about it. In Jesus' name ...


I'm getting disillusioned by what I'm doing now.. Am I doing the right thing? Have I chosen the right path to tread? My mind is filled with doubts at this critical point in time.. I'm so screwed this time round. sighz..

countdown -- 2 papers down and 4 more to go..

Monday, April 23, 2007

YIkes.. My 1st paper in 10 hours time.. It's going to be a long exam season..

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

com-pre and com-po 2

Some updates on the developments of Aik Hui's tuition escapades...

Went for tuition again today.

Me: "so how was the compo?"
Him: "ok, Chinese was more difficult that English."
Me: "oh. Why?"
Him: "Bring dictionary in but never use at all."
Me: "..."

Kids really are so 'cute'... Dictionary need to be used to show that the paper is easy? lol..


Me: "so what did you write?"
Him: "I choose the 'one sentence' question, I don't like the picture one."
Me: "ok, so what is it about?"

After a long description of what my tuition kid wrote. I really stare blank at his face.

This boy has been watching too much drama serials!!! lol, his story is so drama la!!

Anyway, I don't know if I should teach him to write down to earth composition or just allow him to explore the world of 'creative' writing... lolz

getting old..

I think I'm getting old le, why do I say so

1) I can't remember what I wanted to do when that thought popped into my head 3 mins ago.
2) joint pain all over the body
3) not as alert as before
4) eyes are failing me.. (i used to be a marksman even with these glasses. Now I can't shoot for nuts.)
5) wondering what I'll be doing 20 years from now when I look at those ppl in their 40s
6) starting to get more and more naggy..
7) hmm.. still thinking...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


dunno why, but I feel like blogging a lot tonight.. I'm feeling a little sick now.. A bit feverish and I don't know what caused it. Yet, I'm so wide awake. Must be that stupid 'Red Bull'

*start of sidetrack*
today I went to school to study for GEK1511 and there was this group of girls (ard mid 20s) who were promoting a new Red-Bull drink. Somehow the company knew that it's mugging season in NUS and thus sent these Red Bull girls over to promote the new product. Anyway, there were carrying this haversack that resembled the new Red Bull can which they were promoting. It's pretty big and inside was all the Red Bulls. So they went round school talking to all the muggers. So they approached me 1st at 1pm and after I relocated to another study area, I kana another one at 5pm. So I'm full of Red Bull energy now.
*end of sidetrack*

Grr, I just hate it when I can't fall asleep. think I'll try to study something.

com-pre and com-po

Dots.. I had the shock of my life yesterday when my tuition kid told me something. I'll have to start from the beginning

2 weeks ago.

Him: "My exams coming"
Me: "Oh, when?"
Him: "17th Listening comprehension, 24th Composition, 30th onwards the papers."
Me: "Ok, noted"


Him: "I'm having my composition exam tmr."
Me: "WHAT?! I thought you said it's on the 24th."
Him: "24th is listening comprehension"
Me: "Err.. Wait, let me get this straight. What are you having tomorrow?"
Him: "The 'talk a lot and then ask questions' is listening comprehension or composition?"
Me: "Listening compre"
Him: "Ok, then tomorrow is composition not listening compre."
Me: "..."

At that point in time, I really wanted to vomit blood. How can someone at Primary 5 mix up Listening comprehension and Composition? Grr... Well, anyway, I took the whole 2 hours to brush up his composition skills which is like super terrible. No content, his language is like gone case. He has been failing his composition even before I started giving him tuition.

Haiz.. Wonder how he did for his paper today... Shall ask him tomorrow.


Lol.. my toilet bowl has to malfunction when my big function is functioning properly... Now entry to the toilet is barred and I have to use the squat toilet for biggies... I hate to squat!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Meme again..

Picked this up from my friend's blog archives.


1. Who did you last get angry with?
My sister. I'm always angry with her for convenient reasons.

2. What is your weapon of choice?
Hmm, anything that hurts even words would suffice.

3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
Umm, if the situation calls for it, but I don't foresee it.

4. How about of the same sex?
Of course.

5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you?
Hmm, I don't remember. My sister? hahaz.

6. What is your pet peeve?
Being distracted easily. sort of hate it but the good side is I'm pretty observant with things happening around.

7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?
Forgive and forget is something which I'm very good at.


1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time?
Umm, QT? been 2 weeks since I last touched the book.

2. What is the latest you've ever woken up?
depends on what time I sleep.. the latest would be sleeping at 7pm and waking up 20 hrs later at 3pm.

4. What is the last lame excuse you made?
Err.. I don't think my excuses are lame enough.

5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?:
No, I'm not a tai-tai sitting at home with nothing to do.

6. When was the last time you got a good workout in?
When I was in army, the tekan sessions were killing enough..

7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?
no alarm on weekends..


1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?
Plain water

2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat?
Any meat that is cooked would be good for the stomach

3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?
Hmm, don't recall.. think 5 bottles of Tiger?

4. Have you ever used a professional diet company?

5. Do you have an issue with your weight?
Yes, somehow my weight is like a little stock exchange. I hope it stabilizes

6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?
non-spicy is just fine.

7. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?
no.. wonder who would..


1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?

2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?

3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation?

4. Have you had sex?

5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice?
Eyes that seem to hold the galaxy in them..

6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?
No. by a pimp, Yes.

7. Have you ever gotten tested for an STD or pregnancy?


1. How many credit cards do you own?

2. What's your guilty pleasure store?
going to the Apple store and gaze at the 24-inch iMac.. yes, I'm a Mac geek..

3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?
hmm, put in the bank and live off the interests.. I would travel the world!!

4. Would you rather be rich or famous?
famous, then use my fame to get rich.

5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?
Yes, then I can use the money to do whatever I can do make life interesting.

6. Have you ever stolen anything?
hmm, none to the best of my memory.

7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive?
Not many, maybe about 1.something GB.


1. What’s one thing have you done that you're most proud of?
none.. sad right..

2. What's one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of?
Being 乖

3. What thing would you like to accomplish later in your life?
Travel the world.
Have a nice job and enjoy the rest of my life.

4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?
Don't think so, unless the it was a close one.

5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?
Yes, I retook a module after switching faculty.. and got A for it.. hehe..

6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?

7. What did you do today that you're proud of?
cooking my own breakfast.. haz and spoilt the non-stick frying pan..


1. What item (or person) belonging to one of your friends, would you most want to have for your own?
My neighbou's BMW looks nicer when I'm inside, don't u think so..

2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with?
Nah.. I prefer being here.

3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?
Umm, the Pope.. hahaz

4. Have you ever been cheated on?

5. Have you ever wished you had a different physical feature?
I wish I was thinner, taller, bigger eyes, larger shoulders and many other stuff.

6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?
Being self-confident.. i guess..

7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey?
No, for what?

8. Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

*bish bash* desperate times, desperate means!! Gloom and doom for the next few weeks!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I need someone to tell me all is ok, to tell me I'll live to see another day...

I feel like a little boy
Trying to conquer the whole wide world

I'm feeling super depressed now, I wonder if I brought it upon myself. =/

Monday, April 09, 2007


Not feeling very well these few days, both internally and externally. Stomach has been churning since last tuesday, left forearm has been feeling numb on and off, brain seems to have a fun time playing around with the migraine switch, more frequent emo posts.. Yikes.. Somehow I've got a feeling it's stress. But I'm not showing that I am stressed, wonder why my body reacts in such a way..


Me and my big mouth, causing trouble everywhere..

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Well, as the semester comes to a close and exams start to bug me, I don't think I have too much time to think about other things, let alone be bothered by whatever is bothering me. I've more or less decided to leave everything to what it will be, just be what I am, growing up to be a (ahem) fine young man. When I honor God, He will honor me. He will supply me with all riches of His glory in His own time and that I am very sure.

A song by Corrinne May which kind of sums up what I am feeling.

Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo & Carole Bayer Sager
Copyright 2001 Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP) / All About Me Music adm. by Warner Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI)

Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead
How long till my hunger is fed
They say it's hard to make it in this part of town
So many people on this merry-go-round

Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer,
To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and I try to pray
In the silence I can hear Him say

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time

I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things I believe

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign

'cause maybe there's another plan
One I still can't see
A little surprise, like your love in my life
Funny how time changes how we see

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
Everything in its time

Saturday, April 07, 2007

this is hard..

Rule of the game:-Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own 10 weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

hmm...this is hard...
10 weird things:

1) I don't like to talk on the phone unless necessary. I believe ALL things can be discussed over MSN.. Maybe I'm just afraid of hearing my own voice which will lead to no.2

2) I don't have self-confidence though you might always see myself doing self-praise and boosting my ego. Deep down, I'm just a little person.

3) When I was a little boy, when my dad carried me on his shoulders, I thought his hair was grass and kept pulling them.. no wonder he's balding now.. hee..

4) I'm a PC hater, Mac lover. Welcome to the new age. I love my iBook, she's my wife for the time being.. haz.. keep your filthy hands off her..

5) I was quite a naughty boy in secondary school. Coming from quite a good school where the discipline record is low, I visited the discipline master's office at least once a year yet my discipline record is clean when I graduate from there. Weird..

(hmm, this is getting harder..)

6) NUS was my 3rd choice in my options of higher learning. Wanted to go 1) Australia 2) SMU. but for choice 1) no money, for choice 2) kana rejected. So no choice go for option 3). Then after a year of mugging ard in Full of Shit (FoS) transferred to Funny And Sunny Smiles (FASS) where I'm enjoying the time of my life now.. (ya, as if)

7) People always mistake my sister who is 4 years younger as the elder one between the two of us. She gets bothered by it, while I'm glad.. haz.. I think it's either I look young or childish. I suppose it's the latter, but still it's nice to know I don't look as old as my age.

(it's really mind wrecking now.. grr..)

8) This is going to be pretty graphic. I guess I'm one of those 'lucky' ones to go through an endoscopic procedure. It's classified as a minor op. The night before the op, I was wondering if the scope would go through the mouth or the rear end. It's really yucky and disgusting and whatever adjective you can think of if It's going in by the rear end. In the end, it went by the mouth, Thank God for that. Seriously the ordeal was so terrible, that I told myself never to get myself so sick that I would need a endoscope test. I think I would have passed out if it went by the rear end.

9) People always think I frequent the gym due to my physique. But my very 1st gym workout experience was in the army. Before that I just self trained myself through running and simple workouts.

(I don't know what to write for the last one!!)

10) back in my younger days.. (writing like that makes me feel old now..) I used to like girls who have long hair, non-hairy arms, sunny disposition and active. But think it changes with time. Right now, looks doesn't matter that much to me anymore. All it takes is for both parties to be loving to each other, that's all that matters in a relationship.

and now.. for those 6 lucky people.. hmm..

Jie Xin

Somehow I realised they are all girls.. lol.. People please if you see your name here, please do this meme. It's really interesting to see what kind of things we are able to dig out..

I have a dream part duo

It's just weird that the dream comes in stages. I had another dream with the same person inside again.. This time there was no '3rd party' mentioned just that person and me. But again it's was pretty real, reading week was mentioned.. LOL.. Somehow I think it's exam stress coupled with some other thoughts.. Bah.. I should force myself not to think too much..

Friday, April 06, 2007

clueless me

when is it the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning? I wondered

when is too much too little and too little too much? I reflected

when is it time to stop and when must time stop? I thought

Thursday, April 05, 2007



1. Where is your cell phone? beside
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend? none
3. Your hair? short
4. Your mother? typing
5. Your father? tv-ing
6. Your favourite item? laptop
7. Your dream last night? nightmare
8. Your favourite drink? water
9. Your dream car? rollsroyce
10. The room you are in? messy
11. Your ex? none
12. Your fear? sadness
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? happy
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Someone
15. What you’re not? handsome
19. The last thing you did? dinner
20. What are you wearing? clothes
22. Your favourite book? LOTR
23. The last thing you ate? dinner
24. Your life? boring
25. Your mood? confused
26. Your friends? good
27. What are you thinking about right now? YOU
28. Your car? kar
29. What are you doing at the moment? typing
30. Your summer? s'pore
31. Your relationship status? single
32. What is on your TV? news
33. When is the last time you laughed? dunno
34. Last time you cried? dunno
35. School? busy

As said by the person I got this from. One word is pretty hard to sum what I have to say..

I have a dream..

oh man, what a nightmare. It was so real that I was jolted awake, heart thumping, mind racing, maybe shivering a little.

someone: I'm sorry, I can't like u anymore
me: oh?
someone: I've met this guy, name's so and so (can't really believe a name that appears in a dream, can I?) and i've fallen head over heels into it
me: ok. Christian?
someone: he's got the kingdom, but hasn't been going to church.
me: (rolls eyes and smacks forehead)

The exact words and actions are still ringing in my head. I've got a feeling that I'm thinking too much... Mind was blank for a moment after that. couldn't really think.. Guess i'm going crazy.. =/

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

just made an emo post.. don't know if I should put it up...

But isn't the purpose of a blog to say everything and anything that you want? I'm confused...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Sometimes I wonder if what I am doing is worthwhile.
Do I have to be the one who stands by and watch, not speaking, motionless, waiting, waiting for the time to be ripe...
Sounds like I'm some opportunity grabber, but it seems to be the best choice I can take at this moment. I like to think of myself as a person who 默默地耕耘. It might be better if I just do things in an 'invisible' way and stick to it.

emo post again..

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Just for you...

When you are feeling down and out
and life gives u a frown and a pout

When faced with all the blues
and walking without any clues

Looking for signs of change
far beyond the eye's range

But yet down at the wayside
Where His presence reside

Note: this is half done.. still awaiting some creative spark to conclude it