Wednesday, October 31, 2007


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Saturday, October 27, 2007


I've got paid!! happy happy.. though it's only $20 but it's still money.. Refer to 25/9 if you are curious.

Blogged with Flock

Friday, October 19, 2007

Relationships - update

I was reading my previous post on relationships and I think I have a nice sentence to summarize the whole post..

Only fools fall in love, sensible people get into a loving relationship.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Did you know? 1

This post will chronicle some of the interesting stuff I learn in school. It's title 1 because I hope there will be a 2 and 3 and so on and so forth.

Did you know..

that the Eiffel Tower was suppose to be a temporary structure? It was just used to showcase the technology of the elevator during a world exhibition in 1897. In the end, it became a permanent icon, something that now symbolizes France.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


As a normal male, it's at this age where we start looking for a mate. This post is not about my expectations of a mate but it is going to be a critical discussion on my observations on relationships and my thinking of it.

Over the past 2 years or so, I have been observing boy-girl relationships. Young couples in public transport, in school, in church, outside and etc. They all come in different patterns and different types. But one thing I know for certain, these relationships are secular in nature. It's all driven by feelings and emotions of love. Not that I'm criticizing them but that's my feel to it.

To me, an ideal BGR should be built on the love and respect for each other. It's going to be as solemn as a marriage cos the exact end of each relationship must be a marriage, hence no playing around with feelings. Having said this, I have to state that I am not a strong proponent of love at first sight. What I'm trying to bring across is that before we fall head over heels into any relationship, we have to think rationally, assess the whole situation. The quote "Love is beyond reason" doesn't have a place in my dictionary. On the contrary,  it is because love is beyond reason hence we have to understand our own reasons of embarking into a relationship.

The whole process of courtship should have a focus and theme. Not just dates with the guy trying to impress the girl but each date must have an objective or at least a focal point. A date is not lovey-dovey, all love talk, showing love for each other and nothing. Yes, they are part of a date but do consider the date as a component in the larger scheme of the relationship. A date should be an occasion where you use to get to know each other better, more. I don't mean physical, but spiritual, mental and emotional. The reason why divorce rates are rising is because none of these groundwork is being done in the courtship phase. Courtship is more than dinner dates and movie outings, serious conversations of each other should be the topic of the dinner table.

I do not claim to be an expert in relationships. Reason being, I have not been in one yet. But it is the precisely the reason why I'm writing this. A relationship is a serious matter concerning two parties, any failed attempt would mean emotional scarring for either one or both parties. I don't want to hurt people more than people hurt me, neither do I want to live with regrets, I hope you too don't want to live with regrets ya?

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.


Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.


When you look at others with their lands and gold.
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.


So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.


Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Sometimes, I looked around and feel all down, just singing this song perks me up. I mean I literally count my blessings and it really brightens up my day. I do hope everyone would take this song to heart and do count your many blessings when times are bad and you feel downtrodden. The refrain/chorus is a pretty summary of the whole song anyway. Think I'm going to have a post soon on my blessings that I have received thus far. It's going to be long....

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

God's answers


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